Week 1 - Wednesday
Hello, world!
- hello, world (using document write)
- hello, world (using alert)
- hello, Mike
- hello, #Your name#
- Tells user if his or her input is positive or negative (somewhat inaccurately)
- Tells user if his or her input is positive or negative
- Compare two numbers
- Access by the age
- Assesses the size of user's input (Demonstrates use of Boolean ANDing)
- Says hello to the world in infinity way (Warning!!!)
- Says hello to the world ten times
- Prints "I'm here to help you" 7 times
- Count the loop in infinity way (Warning!!!)
- Swap values of 2 variables
- Adder
- Prints the square root of two numbers
- Imprecision
Week 1 - Friday
- Converts Fahrenheit to Celsius
- Define the course
- Assesses the size of user's input.
- Print user's name (using function)
- Says hello to everyone (using function)
- Subtract a bit from number
- Demands that user provide a positive integer
- Cubes a variable
- Coughs three times
- Coughs three times (loops)
- Coughs three times (loops + functions)
- Coughs three times (loops + functions + variables)
- Coughs three times and sneezes three times.
Week 2 - Monday
- Demonstrates casting from int to char.
- Demonstrates casting from char to int.
- Can you find the bug???
- Can you find the bug???
- Demonstrates strings as arrays of chars and use of length.
- Demonstrates error checking.
Week 2 - Wednesday
- Ages people by a year - Demonstrates arrays
- Calculates the addition of a char and an integer